Ms Emma Baker
Vice Principal
Emma has been a Principal/Headteacher for eight years and has a wide range of experience, including being a System Leader where she supported other Principals running large secondary schools. She was awarded ‘. Essex Secondary Headteacher of the Year” in 2017 recognised by Pearson Teaching Awards and shortlisted for the Essex Headteacher awards in 2021. In 2021 she relocated to Doha, Qatar and has been the Headteacher of an International School driving school improvements.
Prior to being a Principal she has had various roles within a Secondary School including Vice Principal for Teaching and Learning/CPD, Assistant Head for Outcomes and has been a Head of Department and Head of Year. She absolutely loves working with young people and is passionate about ensuring that students get the best education possible but also enjoy school life. Emma is a mother of one, her daughter Isabella is 8 so any free time is spent with her.